Jumat, 12 Desember 2014

Selalu Ada Istilah: "it's better late than never"

Kata orang, satu-satunya yang konstan di dunia ini adalah perubahan itu sendiri, premis itu pun sangat saya rasakan akhir-akhir ini terutama berkaitan dengan kegiatan tulis menulis saya. Beberapa bulan lalu saya pernah membuat tulisan tentang tekad latihan menulis. Dalam tulisan tersebut, saya berpendapat bahwa manusia itu sulit untuk konsisten dalam banyak hal tetapi juga sulit untuk melakukan perubahan. Always hard to stay the same just like how to stay make a change, atau mungkin terbalik. Tetapi bukan bahasanya yang penting melainkan pesan yang ada dalam judul album Vincent Vega tersebut.
Menurut saya, usaha untuk tetap menulis tetap perlu digalakan, seperti yang telah diutarakan sebelumnya. Hanya saja perlu cara yang lebih efektif setelah melalukan berbagai cara untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut. Kisah yang sering dijadikan referensi untuk usaha ini adalah bagaiman Thomas Alfa Edison harus melakukan percobaan lebih dari seribu kali sebelum akhirnya menemukan bola lampu. Kita juga mengenal istilah "it's better late than never". Begitu pula dengan saya, meskipun terhitung sudah uzur dalam memulai kebiasaan menulis, saya pun tak ragu untuk (terus memulai) menulis karena memang sangat besar manfaatnya baik untuk kegiatan personal maupun profesional. Berbagai cara pun telah dilakukan untuk memantik semangat menulis. Strategi saya sebelumnya adalah dengan menulis blog dalam bahasa Inggris dengan tujuan agar nanti pada saat menulis tugas akhir saya tidak terlalu kesulitan dalam melakukannya karena sudah merasa terlatih. Tetapi yang kemudian terjadi adalah tidak ada posting selain dari posting pertama tersebut. Salah satu penyebabnya mungkin adalah tulisan di blog ini berasal dari suara-suara tidak penting dari dalam kepala saya yang mungkin suara tersebut berbahasa Indonesia atau bahkan bahasa Sunda, sehingga butuh effort lebih untuk menuangkan suara dalam kepala saya tersebut kemudian menterjemahkannya dalam bahasa Inggris. Akibatnya suara-suara tersebut hanya angin lalu di kepala meskipun sebenarnya banyak hal-hal yang bisa diambil.
Untuk itu, saya bermaksud untuk mengubah strategi saya untuk menulis dalam bahasa Indonesia minimal untuk menjaga ritme saya dalam menulis, meskipun terkadang saya sendiri merasa tulisan saya di blog ini cukup aneh karena gaya bahasanya yang tidak bercorak atau beberapa orang berpendapat tidak berdasarkan genre tertentu, mungkin karena saya menyukai nove-novel bahasa Indonesia yang begitu indah dan plot yang menarik tapi di sisi lain mungkin karena saya telah terlalu lama menjadi kuli ketik surat dinas dengan bahasa yang kaku dan cenderung berbelit-belit (bukan berarti semua surat dinas itu berbelit-belit, tapi karena keterbatasan kemampuan saya yang membuat setiap surat dinas yang saya ketik menjadi berbelit-berbelit). Tapi apapun yang terjadi, saya harus tetap terus menulis demi masa depan yang lebih baik, tanpa perlu basa-basi atau hashtag apapun intinya just duit,...just do it. Wismilak....eh, wish me luck.

Jumat, 10 Oktober 2014

Always hard to make a Change, Just Like How to Stay The Same...A Self Contemplation

Always hard to make a change, just like how the stay the same...that was the first album title from Bandung-based Indonesian indie rock band called Vincent Vega. I don't know whether that phrase was originally made by themselves or it was just quoted from someone else's work which must be very famous in literary art but I don't know nothing about literary especially in English. If it was really made by them originally, I just can't imagine how non-native English speakers like me and them can contemplate in such way until find a phrase with a deep meaning and anagrammatic. Well, maybe I was wrong and they made that phrase by themselves. Maybe it's because I feel less confident lately especially regarding my English, thus it's hard for me to believe that a non-native English speakers can also use and produce good phrase of English well. I hope this 'self-underestimate syndrome' will be over soon for me.
On the other hand, that phrase reminds me that I am to lazy to make a change, a better change of course for example when I feel that I need a lot of practice to succeed in all these challenges I sometimes can't fulfil my own target of particular practice or exercise. Sometimes I wonder that is it a normal human behaviour that we are tend to be lazy or is it just me who can not motivate myself even though I already know the cost and benefit of particular thing like when I am doing this blog writing. I realize that this kind of writing exercise could help me boost my skill and sense of writing which I can use it in the future for both academic and professional purposes, but the reality is I can not do it regularly and it's been more than a week since the declaration to begin blog-writing in late September 2014. 
I know I am now struggling with this situation. Actually, it is not such a hard situation but I don't know why I feel there is something's not right yet I am now a post-graduate student of one of the best universities in the world, living in a big city, getting money without working in office hour, how could I ask for more? It's like living a dream of every school kids in my home town, even though I never dream this far before, honestly. By struggling with this kind of feeling, I am trying to do a new thing and against my own habit in order to get the right mood and succeed in all these challenges here eventually.
Let's just stop this melancholic feeling and get back to daily with full of hope and cheerful. Anyway, the band Vincent Vega which I have mention before is one of my favourite bands but unfortunately they don't make more album since the first one, I hope I am wrong on this.

Senin, 29 September 2014

Here I Go Again, after a long hiatus

It's been more than 1500 days since the last post of mind to this blog in mid-2010. There are a lot of stories I thought worth to Documented in this blog within the last 4 years, but it all just just end up in my own memory the which can be forgotten. It's simply Just Because (I feel) I have no time or maybe I was just lazy to share in this blog. Numerous of  interesting travel stories sould have been shared in this blog like some mountain climbing, backpacking into some town, or even just an album or a movie review.
Time does fly, and so do I. Many things change within the last 4 years from daily activities to the residence roomates I have moved in different areas. And now after taking a break from the routine of work in Jakarta due to Become a student in London, I (force myself) to have free time for the which I believe blogging as an activity that has brought a lot of benefits for me.
Obviously it won't be easy for me to start again writing activities like this after a long time hiatus. For me writing is an activity that is quite difficult because it requires a lot of skills, sometimes in writing I need to do small research even for a writing which is really serious. But that's the interesting part of writing, it trains me to do the validation to any data while keeping storyline remains interesting. This writing activity is also expected to be a small rehearsal before carrying dissertation in 2015. From now on, I determined to write anything (in the hope of benefits) through this blog to document daily life of a student in the realm of Britain mainland. Here I go again.